There’s Nothing More Life-Changing Than A Daily Walk With Jesus.

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    Hi, I’m Mike Smalley and I’m honored that you’re here! Please take a few minutes to watch this video and explore the site to learn more about the various ministry projects we’re involved in and resources we provide.

    Have you Accepted Jesus as your Savior?

    There is no greater gift than knowing Jesus, and I would be honored to walk you through a declaration of faith.

    Become a Partner

    You can be an intricate part in helping show the love of Jesus to the world. Plus, it comes with some great benefits for like teaching materials, encouraging resources, and prayer for you and your family.

    Help Change Lives

    We participate in various forms of outreach like church planting, helping those trapped in sex trafficking in Nicaragua, and evangelistic events. You can be part of people experiencing the love of Jesus!

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