There’s Nothing More Life-Changing Than A Daily Walk With Jesus.

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Has This Ever Happened To You…?

These words have been stirring in my heart for days…!

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

Have you ever been on a diet or spent a season in fasting?

If so, are very familiar with hunger pains!

I wonder how many of us have taken an honest look at our spiritual appetite lately?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your hunger for the things of God?

There’s never going to be a time in our life when we are not “extra busy”.

The truth is, none of us can rightly blame our schedule on our lack of hunger for God. Jesus said, any of us who hungered for His righteousness (and everything that it brings) would never be the rejected or ignored but in fact that hunger would be filled!

Consider the fact today, you were created to find fulfillment in life through a daily relationship with Jesus Christ. There is truly nobody like Him, and our need of Him no matter our circumstances will never change.

Resist the temptation to satisfy a God hunger with a cheap substitute from Satan and the world.

I have found there’s nothing as life-changing as a daily walk with Jesus.

What have you found?


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